Are you tired of wondering how on earth you're going to make any REAL money blogging?
Imagine NEVER having to wonder again and knowing exactly what you need to do each day to make money with your blog...
Broke Bloggers Be Gone is designed to teach you how to start making money with your blog in as little as 30 days. 👩💻💵
No more hoping and guessing at what might work to make you money. I lead you through easy step by step instructions to make your first money with your blog.
It is the easy cheat-sheet to rocket you to success and that will save you hours of googling just hoping to stumble across something that is actually helpful and will finally help you make some money.
I have been where you are now. I wanted so badly to figure out how to make money with my blog right away but so many people told me it wasn't possible as a beginner. Now that blogging is my full-time job I want to share with you something that might sound too good to be true:
You do not have to wait years to start making money with a blog. You do not need tons of traffic. You do not need prior experience. You can do it now. As soon as this month.
The reason it takes so many bloggers so long to see any income is because they focus on the wrong things. They’re worried about blog theme, colors, and fonts. They’re worried about how to set up google ad-sense that won’t bring in any real money until they reach thousands of pageviews instead of focusing on easier ways to make money with a small audience. They’re writing blog posts that are ineffective and are just posting to post instead of writing juicy, evergreen content that will engage their audience and position them as an authority on their topic.
The reason I made money with my blog the very first month I started is because I had a plan, I only focused on the essential money making tasks, and I had a clear way to make money from my blog. In Broke Bloggers Be Gone I lead step by step on how you can do the same.
Take A Peek Inside
💻 Module 1 Getting Started: We cover how to build a money making blog from scratch the easy way. Building a blog isn't hard, but there are certain things your blog needs to have if you want to make money blogging. Even if you already have your blog set up, this module has a checklist of all the things a profitable blog should have and the absolute essentials you need in place to start making money. I also teach you how to write a blog post that can actually make you money. Have you ever been scrolling Pinterest, click on a blog post, and think to yourself "I could never write like that"? I got you covered. I teach you how to write amazing blog post and give you the EXACT blueprint of what you need to include in each blog post to make money from your content.
💰 Module 2: Monetizing your blog. We go over how you are going to start making money with a blog. Have you ever seen those income reports and wondered what they are actually doing to make money with their blog? This module covers all of that. I go over the four main ways bloggers can make money with their blog and how to start using them on your own blog to make money ASAP. This Module is JUICY and includes all the details on how I’ve used each of these monetization techniques to make money online even with a very small audience.
✨Module 3: Traffic and Social Media
This module goes in depth about how to drive traffic to your blog using social media and Pinterest. Pinterest can be a huge traffic source for bloggers and I give you a full tutorial of how you can use it to explode your traffic with a few simple steps. I also give you my exact social media to-do list I used to make money my first month blogging.
The 30 Day Blog Planner: The planner is designed to help you stay on track to actually make money in 30 days of implementing the course. It will keep you focusing on the money making tasks and making progress with your blog.
The $1,000 Blog Post: In my first couple of months blogging I made $1,000 using just ONE of my blog post. Bloggers stress a lot over how to write a good blog post and the truth is, it isn't hard! But there is a formula. Your blog posts can be a huge reason someone chooses to buy from you, and in this mini e-book I give you the step by step formula on how to write amazing and money making blogging posts and how to use them to make money over and over again.
When I made money blogging my first month, I had less than 2,000 page views. This is a very small amount but I show you how to get traffic if you aren't here yet, and how to leverage it to make money.
I made $130 the first 30 days my blog was live using affiliate marketing. I ended up making $285 total by the end of November, and my blog had only been around for a month and a half. Within 7 months I was able to go full-time and my blog was making money with three different income streams (I teach you the four main ways to make money in the course).
I know you are tired of trying to figure this out. I know you are tired of feeling absolutely hopeless thinking about whether or not you will ever be able to make a dime doing this. But I am here to tell you...this is possible for you. You can take your blog from broke to bank in a few short steps, so let me show you how.
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